Women’s brains are hungry organs. Studies show it uses around 20 percent of our total metabolic energy needs.
But your brain needs more from our food than just energy, which we give in the form of calories. It also needs some particular nutrients to keep it functioning at its best.
We can get many of these nutrients from our food, too. However, sometimes, for various reasons—from health reasons to dietary restrictions, we don’t get enough. And this can affect how well our brain works.
Enter supplements for brain health. These handy pills deliver what we need efficiently and, if you do your research, surprisingly affordably.
Read on to find out which vitamins, minerals, and compounds you should invest in.

1. B Vitamins
If you want to maintain a healthy brain, the first supplements you should stock your cupboard with are B vitamins. The B group of vitamins is even recommended by Harvard nutritional psychiatrist Dr. Uma Naidoo!
Most women can get these brain-boosting vitamins by eating leafy greens. Another source is fortified foods like breakfast cereal and milk.
If you’re pregnant, follow a plant-based diet, or have a history of Alzheimer’s in your family, you can check with a primary care provider specializing in women’s health whether B vitamin supplements—the tablet form—are right for you and which to take. They may recommend comprehensive B vitamin supplements or suggest specific vitamins from the group.
2. Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Omega-3 fatty acids, especially DHA and EPA from fatty fish, are vital for brain development and mental health. They reduce inflammation and lower the risk of cognitive decline, Alzheimer’s, and dementia.
The FDA recommends a daily intake of up to 3 grams. Some people might be able to get this from omega-3-rich foods like oily fish, but for most, brain supplements are recommended.
3. Vitamin D
Vitamin D is crucial for the health of many body systems and organs, from bones to immunity. But it also helps with cognitive function. And as it turns out, a shocking number of Americans are deficient in this essential nutrient.
Though you can get Vitamin D from the sun, it’s not recommended since you also risk exposure to UV radiation. Diet might also not provide enough.
The solution? Supplementation!
4. L-Theanine and Creatine
L-Theanine is a natural amino acid. Some studies show it may boost mental performance—things like focus and memory.
Since it was initially found in tea, supplements work best when combined with caffeine. (What’s more, caffeine itself may also have brain health benefits.)
Creatine is also showing promise in aiding cognitive function. This amino acid is more commonly associated with muscle building, making it a favorite of bodybuilders. However, it may also improve the brain’s energy supply and offer neuroprotection.
Supplements for Brain Health Demystified
The supplement world can be a minefield of misinformation. We hope this list of the top guides you to the supplements for brain health that might actually help.
Of course, if you’re struggling with cognitive issues, it’s always advisable to seek the advice of a healthcare professional before supplementing.
Women’s Health Associates in Boise has provided high-quality, personalized, convenient, and caring health services for women at all life stages since 1995. No matter your health concern, we’re here for you.
Contact our expert all-women team to make an appointment today.