You should visit your OB-GYN or gynecologist every year for an exam (though you won’t need a Pap test every year). If you’re about to visit your new Meridian gynecologist for the first time, have a list of questions prepared. The best gynecologists in Meridian can help you make informed decisions regarding your health.
Not sure what to ask your new gynecologist? Here are a few questions to consider.
With these tips, you can get the women’s health advice you need to feel informed and empowered.

1. Is Vaginal Discharge Normal?
It’s normal to have clear or milky discharge. Let your gynecologist know if your discharge varies in odor, volume, or color.
This could indicate you have an infection.
2. Is Painful Sexual Intercourse Normal?
Let your Meridian gynecologist know if you often experience pain during sexual intercourse. Pain could indicate:
- A thinning of the vaginal walls
- Inadequate lubrication
- Infection
They can determine if you require treatment or other solutions.
3. Why Do I Experience Heavy Bleeding?
Heavy bleeding can become unbearable, leading to concerns about blood stains or doubling up on pads.
If you experience heavy bleeding during your periods, it could indicate an underlying issue or the onset of menopause. Let your gynecologist know if this is a concern.
4. Should I Worry About Urinary Incontinence?
Urinary incontinence is common among women of all age groups. Though common, it’s not normal. Talk to your trusted gynecologist for treatment options.
5. Why Are My Periods Irregular?
Your lifestyle, including diet and stress, can cause your periods to become irregular. Track your period before your appointment.
Your gynecologist can help you determine the underlying cause of your irregular periods.
6. How Often Should I Be Tested?
STDs can cause serious health issues when left untreated. Talk to your gynecologist to determine how often you need testing.
Regular testing will ensure you receive treatment right away.
7. What Are My Birth Control Options?
If you’re interested in birth control, your Meridian gynecologist can provide you with a list of options. They can help you determine which options best suit your needs and preferences.
If you’re interested in getting pregnant, talk to your gynecologist about family planning.
8. Why Do I Struggle to Orgasm?
About 10 to 15% of women have never had an orgasm. Meanwhile, one-half aren’t satisfied with how often they reach orgasm. You might experience difficulty reaching orgasm due to:
- Partner issues
- Fatigue, stress, or depression
- A history of sexual abuse or rage
- Lack of knowledge
- Negative feelings about sex
- Shyness or embarrassment
- Bordem in sexual activity or your relationship
Health problems can also make it difficult. For example, pelvic pain, hormonal disorders, medications, or vaginal dryness. If you’re concerned, the best gynecologists in Meridian can advise you.
Ask Your Meridian Gynecologist These Questions Today
Visit your Meridian gynecologist feeling prepared. Having this list of questions ready will allow you to receive the women’s health advice you need. Visit the best gynecologist in Meridian to learn more about your health today.
Need to schedule your next appointment? We can’t wait to see you.
Contact us today to get started.